The Benefits Of GPS Fleet Tracking For Your Company's Safety And Risk Reduction

 The installation of GPS vehicle tracking on a company's fleet vehicles has proven to be a reliable method of increasing overall safety. A wide range of advantages and functions are available to businesses with fleets of vehicles to help them develop their safety ratings and defend themselves from unnecessary costs.

 Ordinances of the State

Keeping people safe is something that the government has long advocated for. Occupational vehicles in the United Kingdom must comply with the Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations, which outlines maintenance and health prerequisites. Security, Health and Wellbeing at Work Act 2005 covers work vehicle safety in Ireland.

Every employer has a legal obligation to ensure that their employees' work equipment is in good proper working order repair at all times.

Lowering Speed and Enhancing Driver Behavior

Eighty-seven percent of all big truck accidents are caused by driver error, as per the Large Truck Crash Causation Study (LTCCS)

All of your drivers could be on the road at the same time, even if you have more dangerous driving plan in order. Using GPS vehicle tracking, company owners can enhance and evaluate the behavior of their employees.

According to the LTCCS, excessive speed is a factor in 23% of all self - development and self-large truck crashes.

Confusion among Drivers and Unauthorized Utilization

According to the LTCCS, 21.6 percent of all at-fault large truck crashes are attributed to driver unfamiliarity with the roadway.

Handlers can better guide drivers to next work site by using GPS tracking processes such as Google Maps API Top tier, which use concise mapping. GPS navigation at can also provide drivers with up-to-the-minute traffic information, which can prevent them from getting car crashes and other dangers on the street.


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